Advancing the sciences, engineering & applications of ultraviolet technologies to enhance the quality of human life & to protect the environment.

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Ted Mao


Ernest (Chip) Blatchley
Purdue University


Jennifer Osgood

CDM Smith
Immediate Past President

Gary Hunter

Black & Veatch


Richard Joshi

ATG UV Technology


Phyllis Posy

Posy Global

Chair of Education Committee

James Bolton

Bolton Photosciences Inc.

Board Member Emeritus

Joop Kruithof


Board Member Emeritus

Ron Hofmann

University of Toronto

co-VP Americas 

Oliver Lawal
AquiSense Technologies

co-VP Americas

Hadas Mamane
Tel-Aviv University


Ian Mayor-Smith


Kumiko Oguma
University of Tokyo

VP Asia

Scott Alpert
Hazen and Sawyer

Troy Cohen
Vision Based Consulting

Curtis Donskey
Case Western Reserve University

Jutta Eggers
TZW, DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser

Todd Elliott
CH2M Hill Engineers Inc

Roberta Hofman-Caris
KWR Watercycle Research Institute

Jiangyong Hu
National University of Singapore

Natalie Hull
The Ohio State University

Ken Kershner
Aquionics Inc.

Mengkai Li
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Karl Linden
University of Colorado

Erin Mackey
Brown and Caldwell

John Maiyo
The University of Memphis

Steve Martin
DeNora Water Technologies

Rick Martinello
Yale New Haven Hospital

Ashish Mathur
UltraViolet Devices, Inc.

Kate McPhaul
Univ. of Maryland Public Health Aerobiology Lab

John Paccione
NYS Health Services

Brian Petri
Trojan UV

Dianne Poster
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Regina Sommer
Medical University Vienna

Dan Spicer
Light Sources Inc.

Mark Stibich
Xenex Health Care Services

Wenjun Sun
Tsinghua University, China

Erik Swenson
Nichia America Corporation

Bryan Townsend
Black & Veatch

Ran Yin
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
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