Advancing the sciences, engineering & applications of ultraviolet technologies to enhance the quality of human life & to protect the environment.

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Reviewing UV Validation Test Reports

19 Jun 2018 5:33 PM | Gary Cohen (Administrator)
A workshop hosted by the International UV Association
August 27, 2018 - 1:00-5:00 PM
Cincinnati Marriott at River Center

The IUVA is partnering with ASDWA, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, to present training on reviewing UV validation reports on the afternoon prior to the ORD Small System Workshop in Cincinnati, 1:00 - 5:00 pm on Monday, August 27.  The training will be at the Marriott River Center, the host hotel for the ORD workshop.    This training is exclusively for states and requires a separate registration.   For more information visit

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