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China AOP Standard: Ultraviolet (UV)-based advanced oxidation systems for urban water supplies

The world's first national standard for Ultraviolet (UV)-based advanced oxidation system for urban water supplies

On February 4th, 2021, the China Association of Machinery Industry for Environmental Protection officially released the Chinese standard for “Ultraviolet (UV)-based advanced oxidation systems for urban water supplies (T/CAMIE 01-2021)”. This is the first national standard for UV-based advanced oxidation systems in the world.

The standard was drafted by Tsinghua University, Shandong Province City Water Supply and Drainage Water Quality Monitoring Center, Trojan Technologies, and an additional ten organizations. The publication of this standard provides a technical basis for the adoption of UV-based advanced oxidation technology in China. The document provides guidance on equipment selection, process design, testing, inspection, labeling and packaging, transportation, storage, maintenance, and safety protection.

The release of this standard is expected to help design, implementation, and operation of UV-based advanced oxidation technology with the goal of improving water quality and safety of urban water supplies in China. Volunteers from the International Ultraviolet Association’s Young Professionals translated this standard from Chinese to English to help to disseminate this standard to water treatment communities worldwide.

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